Books quilts and sewing

Remember you're unique!! Just like everyone else.

Archive for the day “May 23, 2012”

Book Review for 101 Fabulous Rotary-Cut Quilts

101 Fabulous Rotary-Cut Quilts

Before I went out to purchase this book, I had read a few reviews on it. “If you can’t find a dozen quilts to make from this book right away, you just haven’t opened the cover” was the review that made the decision for me.

At 272 pages this book goes into enough depth that a beginner can crack it open and start quilting and an experienced quilter can find new designs and ideas as well. A section of the book goes over finishing quilts. I couldn’t go over everything this book covers without rewriting it. Color wheel, paper piecing, rotary techniques.. it has something to say about all of that.

The quilts are well detailed and illustrated with a grade by skill level. The real test came after the book arrived and my daughter came down to visit. We were able to talk about which one she should try based upon what she liked and the skill level it gave.  The quilt I posted about earlier that she is working on and almost finished came out of this book. Of course there were some questions she needed answers to about the best way to do something, but I was impressed by how far she was able to get with her first quilt from following the simple-to-use directions from the book.

That is the best review I could give a book, 5 stars out of 5.

My Cat the Quilter

I set my cat to wake me up at 7am this past Saturday and he went off at 5:30am…  I think he’s broken.  Today he deleted everything I was writing… okay, maybe just the blog that I was writing.  Since I was fairly deep into my thoughts at that point and it has been erased I’ll assume that he wanted at least one blog as an ode to him.  He likes to give me subtle hints like that when he wants something.  I’d like everyone to meet Oliver, my alarm clock, nuisance, conscience, pal, and pest.

Oliver is not type of cat to play with string, he’s way too sophisticated for that.  A full bobbin or two batted around the house is more his style just to let you know that he’s the true quilter.  When you’re good to him and give his treats on time, he’ll console himself with an empty spool or two though just to prove he’s still a cat and not the devil’s imp.

He’s the one that checks over my work and either gives me a congratulatory meow, or walks over my creation (his way of telling me that it needs to be redone).  When I’ve done really well Oliver curls up on top of the quilt and claims it for himself.

If I’m walking back and forth from sewing machine to ironing board, he positions himself directly in the middle of the two to ensure that I receive extra exercise.  Of course setting the quilt top out wouldn’t be complete unless just before he jumped on the bed and got under the quilt to be in the way to inspect the underside.

Honestly, Oliver has become so good at quilting and instructing me how to quilt properly that I’ve entered him into a contest.  I could not resist as this is so funny because it’s so true.

Do you have any funny stories about your quilting cat?

Great Book

I originally got this link from and it’s about a book that she suggested and I did end up ordering. If you’re interested in Amish quilts and the history behind them then this book is fantastic.

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