Books quilts and sewing

Remember you're unique!! Just like everyone else.

Archive for the day “May 8, 2012”

Joann Fabric’s Persian Plum Block of the Month

Time to review Joann’s newest Block of the Month, “Persian Plum”. This to me is one of their most striking quilts to date. Plum is the theme throughout this quilt and the visually stunning blocks are at once delicate in color and design and yet seamlessly placed throughout the quilt which when finished measures roughly 82” x 99”.

Each of the 12 blocks carries a different design like; Double Sawtooth Star, Dutchman’s Puzzle, etc. If you’re of a mind to learn some of these different squares, then this BOTM Quilt is for you. I will be starting the quilt this month and posting each block as I finish it. Here’s a preview of some of the colors.


Here is the front of the package.  You can see all the different types of blocks used here!!


This is the color pallet used for the quilt.


I really love the patterns and colors in this kit and hope I can keep myself from trying to piece this together before the year is out!!  But the anticipation is killing me…  I want to see the finished quilt already.  Let me know what you think, should I do this as a monthly block, or throw caution to the wind and finish it this Summer?

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