Books quilts and sewing

Remember you're unique!! Just like everyone else.

Archive for the month “February, 2010”

I have nothing else to sell… Maybe a resolution is in order

Watching fun with Dick and Jane, no, not the original… watching them sell their VERY last possession to try to make bills.  What a depressing scene for a movie.  I was immediately depressed about the thing, at least the REST of the movie is a comedy!!  Relaxing today and thinking about some post-New Years Eve resolutions…  What’s yours?

Your Moleskine and You

I couldn’t imagine my life now without my Moleskine as it’s become part of my everyday life capturing my joys, sorrows, doodles, thoughts, pictures, and critical information finder.  One of my favorite sites to visit is where there are ideas and exhibits of the Moleskines that have gone before.

So small it fits neatly into my pocket, backpack, or laptop bag my Moleskine travels everywhere with me detailing my life and coloring my world.  I’ve seen so many uses for this little wonder and yet I know there are so many untapped ideas just waiting to be explored.  I love new ideas and suggestions, so pony up and send me your scans of the many wonderful things that you’ve done with you Moleskine.

Beatin’ down day

This post is for a good person from work…  I felt completely beat down today, management was up my crack for no reason at all.  I went to a person’s office who shall remain nameless, but saw that she had the same look of beat down that I was sporting.  They say that misery loves company and I have to admit when I left the office of this friend I did feel a lot better!  I’ll get to the issue at hand, but first wanted to give a shout out to M who I can’t really call a friend, or an acquaintance, or a coworker since we work in completely different areas and don’t really spend any time talking or socializing normally.  I will say that she is the shit though and this post is for you!

Had a coworker who imho doesn’t think for themselves and was laying off working an issue on me.  I sent a couple of what I considered vanilla e-mails (so okay, maybe my vitriol wasn’t all that veiled) that stated that maybe some troubleshooting would be in order instead of his normal “I don’t know, what am I supposed to do?” and didn’t think about it until the next day.  When I came in the following day I discussed the issue with management (lets call him MNG 1), later in the morning I talked to management again (lets call him MNG2) and instead of the reaction I thought I would get I was told that I should have just helped instead of sending this idiot an email.

Fast forward three hours when MNG1 talks to MNG2 and tells MNG2 that this coworker should try to figure things out for himself instead of bugging me, to which MNG2 got really pissed not at the moron who never likes to work, but at me for talking to MNG1.  Instead of pulling me asside and telling me not to talk to MNG2 about these type of issue, I get insulted and shunned for mentioning my discord in the first place…  when will I ever learn that even managers can act juvenile?

When I arrived at my friend’s office M, it was she who turned my whole day around…  Thanks again M you are the best and gorgeous to boot!

Your Social Security Statement and you

After a long day at work, the one hour comute there, the one hour comute home…  I go tto the mailbox and hope that I’ve finally heard from publisher’s… oh lucky day!!  My Social Security Statement is there sitting in a little metal mailbox, lying in wait amongst the Arby’s/Pizza over/grocery store eratta.

Does anyone else remember the shock of recieving this little tidbit of joy for the first time?  It became the yearly reminder of (you guessed it) that small little factoid that I’m another year older.  What supprised me the most about the arrival of the statement this time was I actually felt my pulse race ever so slightly in patient expectation of what, or how far the numbers might have gone up.

I don’t kid myself in thinking that Social Security will still be a viable option, more that I’m getting closer to an age goal.  Remember when you could hardly wait until you were 18?  then 21? then 25?  After 25 I was so busy with the job and family that I didn’t really think about it, but now I had another age to shoot for…  yes it’s a bittersweet goal and after that… well…  I’ve always wanted to know how it felt to live to be 100.

First post and Kayleen is wondering

Wishing I was watching Dune tonight, but had fun at the store and picked up some necessitites… Starbucks, creamer, and itunes card. Kay is wondering why I’m starting this blog and I told her that I’m tired of not creating. I watch too much television, work too much, and don’t stop to enjoy the life I’m living.

If only the romance in my relationship could be shown and yet there are times I feel so lonely. Damn I get needy!! Luckily I’m easy to please, or at least I think so…

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